Lakeshore Chorale - Music For Life

Lakeshore Chorale Tickets 2022-2023

Printable ticket form

Concert tickets are also available for the season and prior to each performance by mail order, and at the door one hour prior to each performance.

Concert Details Price
Season Ticket Adult 5 concerts including Valentine $85.00
Season Ticket Student 5 concerts including Valentine $40.00
October Adult Breath of Life $20.00
October Student Breath of Life $10.00
December Adult Sing We Now of Christmas $20.00
December Student Sing We Now of Christmas $10.00
Valentine Gala Adult Love Notes $25.00 SOLD OUT!
Valentine Gala Student Love Notes $20.00 SOLD OUT!
April Adult How Can We Keep From Singing? $20.00
April Student How Can We Keep From Singing? $10.00
May Adult Healing Hearts $20.00
May Student Healing Hearts $10.00