Lakeshore Chorale

Lakeshore Chorale Tickets


Concert tickets are also available for the season and prior to each performance by mail order,
and at the door one hour prior to each performance.

Click here for a printable order form.

Adult Season Ticket $85.00
Student Season Ticket $40.00
Adult Single Concert Ticket $20.00
Student Single Concert Ticket $10.00
Valentine Adult Single Ticket $25.00
Valentine Student Single Ticket $20.00

Order now with PayPal
Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover
You do not need a PayPal account to purchase.
Ticket quantity can be selected and adjusted in your shopping cart.
A five percent fee will be added to your total order

Season Ticket Adult $85.00
5 Concerts including Valentine

Season Ticket Student $40.00
5 Concerts including Valentine

October Adult $20.00

October Student $10.00

December Adult $20.00

December Student $10.00

February Adult Ticket $25.00

February Student $20.00

Guarantor $7500 and upwards
Sponsor $5000-$7499
Underwriter $2500-$4999
Benefactor $1500-$2499
Producer $1000-$1499
Director $500-$999
Patron $250-$499
Donor $100-$249
Contributor $1-$99